Category: združenie
Hits: 10437

Image The main objective of the project is to improve our marketing, promotion and awareness of tourists from neighboring countries about the possibilities of rural tourism in the region of MAS LEV. Through the project we want to take part within two years on four fairs in neighboring countries and to create promotional material in three languages about the possibilities tourism in and around Levoča, and so to contribute to the overall promotion of the region.



As the mater of fact that ten tourists mean one job in tourism, we believe that implementation of the project will increase number of tourists in our city and its surroundings, which will contribute to the development of tourism in our region following the development of employment.


The object of the project is:

The participation of three members of the Association on foreign tourism exhibitions, which will take place during 4 days

Create and print the promotional material in three languages - Slovak, Polish and German, up to 16 sheets of A5, when the number of pieces 3 x 1000. The material will be processed in an attractive way and will promote interesting tourism services offered by our entrepreneurs. There will be written also information about leisure time activities and attractions for visitors.